I am so looking forward to HH moving it's entire operation to the back of us, [if this is true] especially if the events of a few weeks ago are anything to go by.
There were two cranes, chugging diesel fumes from dawn until dusk [whether anyone was there or not]. They used one crane to build the other as it was in sections, then they played with it a bit [about three weeks] before finally dismantling it and loading it on to several trailers and I waved it bye bye.
I suppose the 'back yard' is ahem, tidier than it was, a lot of the scrap metal has gone so there's probably less danger of lumps of broken metal landing in our properties than there used to be - this
did happen when something got caught in the crane chains, in my opinion they [then] operated far too close to the houses. Now we've mostly got trailers along the back wall, much safer. [I'd still prefer trees please]
Apart from the noise and diesel fumes there's the copious amounts of dust that blows over from the 'back yard'. When a lorry leaves the yard it whizzes off so fast that all you see is dust for the next ten minutes, then you get to taste it if it's blowing your way, yuck!
It's even better when they sandblast the trailers ready for a paint job, all that lovely extra dust and the
NOISE!!! is horrendous, I was actually speaking to an environmental health officer on the phone during one of these sessions and I couldn't hear what he was saying, I think he heard me though because I was spitting feathers at the time!
At least Asda are showing us their plans, HH sneaked in one Sunday afternoon - inasmuch as lorries can sneak. Not a soul here knew they were coming, no notices,
NOTHING - I wonder how that happened?
Right I've got that off my chest, do I feel any less grumpy? Well, yes actually, I do.
Oh, before I forget - I'd
love an Asda in Langley Mill, with our own residents entrance and a personalised shopping trolley of course + [most importantly] Heanor Haulage relocated somewhere more suitable.
Oh dear, I'm off in la la land again - it's my age you know ...